The possible challenges we might face is learning to accept one anothers' culture. For example, some of the Chinese burn hell paper due to religious believes. Smoke & ashes are produced in the process leaving neighbours have to deal will the ashes blowing into their homes & the unhealthy air inhaled. Also, during Chinese funerals, loud hymns will be sang throughout the night. For the malays, during weddings, 'happy' songs will be played in the morning. Awakening the neighbours from their deep sleeps. Indians have this certain liking to jasmine flowers and burning 'flower' oil. Which I, by the way, totally respect. But some people do not know how to appreciate the aroma of these 'flower' scent. Singapore naturally growing up in a multi-racial city has no problems dealing with such. That's why children in schools make friends with kids from other races. ^~^ ! Hinduism, Buddism & Islam had a great impact on the way the people of ancient India lived. These religions guided many ancient SEAsian rulers in the way they governed. For example, in mainland SEA, Khmer kings became Hindu divind kings & had their people construct capital cities in which their places represented the home of the gods. Howerer, as in ancient China, the people of ancient Southwast Asia did not entirelt follow the teachings of their new religions & abondon their olf beliefs. Instead, they combined their older beliefs with the teachings of their new religions. Today, the religions of Hinduism, Buddism & Islam continued to shap the lives of people in SEA.
Lets see,