Saturday, September 26, 2009

History project reflections

What to say? A big thank you to my teammers! HuiXian, like especially to you! Jamie & JiaLe too!!! On the part I played which was metallurgy, I jolly well had learnt a little. Like the Indians have that long pole thing that never rusted till now. Iron Pillar of Delhi. Which the people of today have not solve the secret to this amazing creation. & to think we actually called them less advance. lol. I really would have wanted to do more work. All I did was reasearch then summarise it then gave it to HuiXian. She seriously should have deserved more marks compared to I but, my teammer were nice enough to gimme credit for small matters like the model. THANK YOU! The only way I could have improved on it is basically just to have done more work. Oh, & to have presented. I guess I was the only teammer would did not present as well as the others. T_T. Sadly. Group work was fine I guess. Could see the 'bond' when we all were doing the poster. Jamie with her cartoons. Jiale with her animations. HuiXian with the final-isation & I was like thinking of what to draw for metals. Which I resorted to drawing cubes like the metals I collect while playing crazy planets. lol. Hope to work with them soon again ! ^_^
The only picture with me in the group
JiaLe presenting
HuiXian presenting
Jamie presenting

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